Fluid Attacks' Perfect Accuracy

Our SAST tool scored the highest on the OWASP Benchmark

Blog Fluid Attacks' Perfect Accuracy

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At Fluid Attacks, we are very proud of the great goal we have recently achieved with our open-source tool, which we constantly develop and employ to detect some systems' vulnerabilities. This tool has reached 100% in True Positives and 0% in False Positives against the OWASP Benchmark version 1.2. Let's put this achievement in context:

What is the OWASP?

Perhaps you've heard of the OWASP Top 10 list of vulnerabilities. The Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) is a non-profit foundation committed to helping improve software security through various means. The OWASP functions as an open, online community where anyone can contribute to the production of material in the field of web application security and benefit from the information available. Fluid Attacks is an active corporate member of The OWASP Foundation.

What is the OWASP Benchmark?

The OWASP Benchmark Project is a free Java test suite created in 2015 to assess the accuracy, speed, and coverage of automated software vulnerability detection tools. It helps determine the strengths and weaknesses of different application security testing (AST) machines and allows objective comparisons between them. So, we can put under evaluation static (SAST), dynamic (DAST), or interactive (IAST) tools. This benchmark is quite helpful for choosing a new tool on the market or finding out what needs to be improved in the machine you have been developing.

The most recent version of the OWASP Benchmark (v1.2), a fully executable open-source web app, contains 2,740 test cases (single Java servlets). Each case has either a genuine, exploitable vulnerability or a false vulnerability, all of them belonging to 11 categories and corresponding to specific CWEs. If we refer to all test cases, 51.6% have actual exposures (multiple variants of each category), and 48.4% contain false ones. In short, the best tools according to this benchmark should only report those real vulnerabilities.


Figure 1. Test cases in OWASP Benchmark v1.2.

Companies have long relied on SAST and DAST solutions to protect their applications and verify compliance requirements. However, it has been pretty usual for automated vulnerability detection processes to show errors in their reports. Thus, through this benchmark, for example, we can realize that a tool may fail to identify real vulnerabilities (it has False Negatives, which we have also referred to as omissions) and may fail to ignore false vulnerability alarms (it gives False Positives). On the other side, we can find that a tool may correctly identify real vulnerabilities (it gives True Positives) and ignore false alarms (it has True Negatives).

Accordingly, referring to some extreme cases we don’t want to witness, there may be a tool that reports every line of code it reviews in an application as vulnerable. That would help us detect all the vulnerabilities present; however, we would also be full of false positives, and it would be worthless. The same quality would be valid for a tool with zero false positives but which cannot detect any vulnerability. Finally, it would be useless to have a tool that randomly has 50% true positives and 50% false positives. See the following chart:

True Positive Rate (TPR) is the percentage of true vulnerabilities that the tool identifies. False Positive Rate (FPR) is the percentage of false vulnerabilities that the tool reports as true ones. The ideal point is where we have a TPR of 100% and an FPR of 0%. Anyway, it will always be preferable to be above the red segmented line ("Random Guess"), with the first rate’s value always exceeding that of the second one; the farther away, the better. Be careful because it seems that some vendors may strive to display you 100% in TPR as if it were the sole relevant value when it comes to accuracy.

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This is where the Benchmark Accuracy Score comes in. It is essentially an individual score, a Youden’s index, that goes from 0 to 100 to summarize the accuracy of a set of tests. The equation is simple: we just need to subtract one (1) from the sum of the tool’s sensitivity (same as TPR) and specificity (same as 1-FPR) expressed as part of a whole number. See this example taken from the OWASP’s website:


Figure 3. Example of the Benchmark Score (here in 'Scoring').

Consequently, the Benchmark Score for a tool with insufficient accuracy equals 0, and for a tool with perfect accuracy equals 100 (Youden’s index equals 1). In Figure 4, the Benchmark Score, which can also be negative, corresponds to the line’s length from a given point down to the diagonal "Random Guess" line.

What are Fluid Attacks' results?

At Fluid Attacks, we decided to test our primary, customized tool. Only by applying the SAST technique (although it can also perform DAST), this tool can achieve the best possible outcome against the OWASP Benchmark with a TPR of 100% and an FPR of 0%. So, our Benchmark Score equals 100, the highest value! A few years ago, developers in the OWASP Benchmark project published a comparison chart for different open-source and commercial SAST tools. It is now in this chart that we include the results obtained by our tool.

Fluid Attacks Score

Figure 4. OWASP Benchmark results comparison.

Issues we're aware of at Fluid Attacks

The values obtained in this scenario are easy to determine accurately because the number of existing vulnerabilities is known from the beginning, contrary to what usually happens in real-world applications. You need to understand that this project does not include all vulnerability categories and possible cases. Nevertheless, looking ahead, OWASP hopes to have all types of vulnerabilities that belong to its Top 10 in its tests and offer code in other languages, not just Java.

OWASP created these test cases from coding patterns observed in actual applications, but some of them may be of questionable relevance, and most are simpler than in reality. Companies that focus only on improving their machines and getting excellent scores, particularly in these types of benchmarks, could be severely limited when facing a greater variety of real-world code. So, it would help you keep in mind that a good result in this test is not enough to assume that a tool will do very well in detecting vulnerabilities in general: beware of false illusions of security!

At Fluid Attacks, we are proud to have achieved this goal with the OWASP Benchmark, but certainly, it is only one of the sources we use as a reference to improve our tool. We keep getting feedback from real applications and their codes. And while our customers can take advantage of our tool to look for vulnerabilities, we always recommend performing comprehensive security testing by adding our ethical hackers' invaluable manual work.

To conclude, as anyone can use the OWASP Benchmark to evaluate any application security testing tool, if you are among the customers or stakeholders who want to prove for themselves that our results are authentic, you can follow this guide. Additionally, if you want to learn more about our tool, don’t hesitate to contact us!

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