Such as Microbes Getting Into You?

Don't leave the relentless SQL Injection in oblivion

Blog Such as Microbes Getting Into You?

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Microbes have developed various ways of fooling the immune system —by sending out confusing chemical signals, for instance, or by disguising themselves as benign or friendly bacteria. Some infectious agents […​] can trick the immune system into attacking the wrong organisms. —Bryson, The Body

Every person who frequently devotes their attention to the field of cybersecurity most certainly recognizes the OWASP Top 10 Project. However, without leaving aside any reader engaged here, we can say that what this standard "represents [is] a broad consensus about the most critical security risks to web applications." This top 10 is an invaluable guide for software developers in building secure code for organizations. Through this standard, developers can see the error of their ways and make the necessary changes before a catastrophe.

Leading the OWASP Top Ten 2017, in terms of variables such as prevalence, detectability, exploitability, and impact, we find the web application security risk Injection. Within this risk, we have SQL Injection, our focal point in this new blog post.

Wait, first, what’s Injection?

In the Common Attack Pattern Enumeration and Classification (CAPEC), "a community resource for identifying and understanding attacks," we find a list of attack patterns grouped into nine mechanisms. One of them is the category called Inject Unexpected Items. There, the attack patterns "focus on the ability to control or disrupt the behavior of a target either through crafted data submitted via an interface for data input, or the installation and execution of malicious code on the target system." That’s Injection. The attacker can inject input (including instructions) that, in the interpretation of the application, can provoke it to perform actions far from the original purpose and reach instability. Something similar to what, in a biological setting, some microorganisms can do to our immune system (see Bryson’s book).

Additionally, within that mentioned category in CAPEC, we have the "meta level attack pattern" Command Injection. There, the attacker modifies an existing command string and, consequently, the interpretation of a downstream component of the application, looking for particular responses. The Command Injection is facilitated by weaknesses in command building or input validation and can culminate in exploitation. This pattern is the "parent of" LDAP, XML and other injections, including the one that concerns us now: SQL Injection.

Ok, what’s SQL Injection?

I think we should first pose the following question: What does SQL mean? SQL refers to Structured Query Language, "the standard language for relational database management systems" (RDBMSs). It is used to establish communication with relational databases, which can serve companies of all sizes to store and analyze information and as the back end for online applications. So, through SQL statements, also called queries, in an RDBMS, we can retrieve, add, delete and update data of a database. Nowadays, among the most commonly used RDBMSs worldwide, we can find Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, and PostgreSQL.

Now, as referenced in CAPEC, the SQL Injection attack "exploits target software that constructs SQL statements based on user input." This kind of input can be, for example, your username and password to log in to a web application. The attacker creates input strings that within the application give rise to SQL statements oriented to different actions from those already predefined. Basically, the attacker puts a metacharacter "into data input to then place SQL commands in the control plane, which did not exist there before." That’s why the consequent procedure gives unexpected results.

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To enlighten you a bit more, you can watch the example in this video. If you are interested in something more technical, here is a post from one of our ethical hackers.


Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash.

As I said before, this type of attack can occur due to failures in the software for input validation. In accordance with the corresponding weakness listed as CWE-89 in the Common Weakness Enumeration, the application "does not neutralize or incorrectly neutralizes special elements that could modify the intended SQL command." When the attacker introduces SQL syntax, and the system does not validate it, they can obtain multiple advantages thanks to the resulting queries.

Specifically, thanks to a successful SQL Injection, the attacker can access a system without previous knowledge of credentials and can interact with the database, for instance, to read sensitive information and modify it as they wish. The attacker can also execute administration processes (e.g., denial of services) and sometimes even send commands to the operating system to compromise it.

I can’t deny the surprise I felt when I saw what OWASP said in addition to the above: "The severity of SQL Injection attacks is limited by the attacker’s skill and imagination, and to a lesser extent, defense in depth countermeasures […​]." What does this lead us to think? Perhaps something like this: If we are reckless enough to leave software vulnerable to SQL Injection, we better pray that it does not fall into the clutches of a clever malicious hacker.

So, what can we do?

This vulnerability, which is easy to detect and exploit, can be avoided through several techniques that we can see widely exposed in the OWASP SQL Injection Prevention Cheat Sheet. However, in order to give you an overview, we can condense much of the information presented there. As a first option, we have the use of parameterized queries instead of dynamic queries. This alternative forces developers to define the entire SQL code beforehand so that only the required parameters are accepted for query execution afterward. Thus, the database succeeds in distinguishing between code and data for all types of inputs it receives.

As a close alternative to the previous approach, perhaps with the same effectiveness, we have the use of stored procedures. Here, developers define them and store them in the database itself to be called from the application later. They are not something that users are able to give as input. A third strategy strongly linked to the previous ones that can act as a complement refers to input validation. In this case, criteria are created to detect unallowed data patterns and prevent them from entering the application workflow.

Another option is offered by OWASP as a last resort, apparently due to its weakness, when it’s impossible to use the above. "This technique is to escape user input before putting it in a query." Here, the RDBMS allows some particular character escaping schemes in specific queries so as not to confuse the user input with the developer’s SQL code. Of course, we cannot leave out an additional recommendation. It is to keep the privileges of the database accounts to the minimum limit. Users should have sufficient access permissions to perform their predetermined tasks. Thus, for example, who only needs to read all or just a portion of the database, does not need permissions to add or delete information.

Finally, at Fluid Attacks, we recognize how the security of your web applications, and consequently that of your company’s and users' data, can be affected by the widely used and dangerous SQL Injection attack vectors. That’s why we help you identify with speed, accuracy, and at the earliest stage if your software is vulnerable to SQL Injection. Don’t hesitate to contact us!

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