Try our Continuous Hacking solution

Security should not be an obstacle in the time-to-market of your application. With Continuous Hacking, we integrate security testing into your software development lifecycle.

Accurate automation, AI prioritization and expert intelligence in one place

We integrate automated and manual testing (SAST, DAST, SCA, CSPM, SCR, MPT and RE) with speed and precision to detect and report vulnerabilities and security issues in your applications, infrastructure and source code.


Know your organizational risk exposure and manage it


Decrease the time-to-market of your products and services


Achieve higher remediation rates faster and at lower costs


Assess your risk exposure and move strategically

Learn about security issues in your applications and systems through our platform. Learn details about each vulnerability, such as severity, evidence and non-compliant standards, as well as remediation suggestions.

Image Demo


Assess your risk exposure and move strategically

Learn about security issues in your applications and systems through our platform. Learn details about each vulnerability, such as severity, evidence and non-compliant standards, as well as remediation suggestions.

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Image Demo


Speed up and control the remediation process

Assign users to remediate reported vulnerabilities easily and track progress. Request reattacks to confirm that vulnerabilities have been successfully fixed. Review your organizational remediation rate whenever you want.


Speed up and control the remediation process

Assign users to remediate reported vulnerabilities easily and track progress. Request reattacks to confirm that vulnerabilities have been successfully fixed. Review your organizational remediation rate whenever you want.

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Prevent going live with unmanaged risks

Integrate our DevSecOps Agent into your CI pipelines to check that your applications are free of vulnerabilities before going into production. Prevent operational risks by breaking the build when your systems' security policies are not met.

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Prevent going live with unmanaged risks

Integrate our DevSecOps Agent into your CI pipelines to check that your applications are free of vulnerabilities before going into production. Prevent operational risks by breaking the build when your systems' security policies are not met.

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Image Demo


Check the status and progress of your applications’ security

Explore the stats of your applications' vulnerabilities and your risk exposure at any time. Download reports, share the information with your team and implement timely actions to maintain and improve the security of your applications.


Check the status and progress of your applications’ security

Explore the stats of your applications' vulnerabilities and your risk exposure at any time. Download reports, share the information with your team and implement timely actions to maintain and improve the security of your applications.

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We help you develop software with confidence

Solve your questions by contacting us through our support channels on the ARM: Live chat, Consulting sections and Talk to a Pentester.

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We help you develop software with confidence

Solve your questions by contacting us through our support channels on the ARM: Live chat, Consulting sections and Talk to a Pentester.

Image Demo


Explore our plans in detail and get the power and control that you need to manage the security risks of your applications.

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Clients who trust our solution

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Logo Abbott
Logo Addi
Logo Avianca
Logo Banco Azul
Logo Banco General
Logo Banco Industrial
Logo Banco Pichincha
Logo Bancolombia
Logo Banesco
Logo Banistmo
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Logo Banco Bisa
Logo Btg Pactual
Logo Colmedica
Logo Global Bank
Logo Interbank
Logo Itau
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Logo Soy yo
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Logo Terpel

Build and deploy secure software with our Continuous Hacking plans

Discover the benefits of our comprehensive Continuous Hacking solution, which hundreds of organizations are already enjoying.

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Testing software security for over 20 years

Fluid Attacks tests applications and other systems, covering all software development stages. Our team assists clients in quickly identifying and managing vulnerabilities to reduce the risk of incidents and deploy secure technology.

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