
The items we expect to see in your portfolio are described below. These allow you to present your best academic and/or professional achievements. We also use your portfolio to assess your ability to express yourself, synthesize ideas and capture our attention. Your portfolio is of utmost importance in the selection process.

The objectives of the portfolio are the following:

  • To present examples of a candidate's ability to achieve concrete and outstanding results.

  • To demonstrate a candidate's interest in joining the company.

  • To see if the results expected by the company align with the demonstrated results of what a candidate can achieve.

Requirements for the portfolio:

  1. The portfolio must be delivered in a PDF format through the application form. In case you experience any trouble, you can also submit it via email to [email protected].

  2. The portfolio is not a CV. Do not use your CV as a substitute for the portfolio.

  3. The portfolio must contain your top 5 achievements, including personal, professional and academic achievements. Each one must be explained in at most 1 page. Feel free to include

    • designs/diagrams (network, data, class, circuits, etc.);

    • code examples;

    • documentation.

  4. The portfolio must respect copyrights:

    • Quote relevant sources.

    • For business confidentiality, do not link a specific result to the organization it was created for.

    • Reproduce only part of the achievement in order to prevent its misuse.

  5. The portfolio must follow the guidelines for design portfolios that apply to simple engineering assignments:

    • Simple

    • Interesting

    • Easy to read

    • Only your best results

  6. The portfolio must be delivered in a slideshow format, in high resolution (aspect ratio 16:9).

Caution: Failure to submit a portfolio or to follow these instructions in completing your portfolio will result in the immediate termination of your participation in the selection process.

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