Fluid Attacks is happy to offer you the widespread Penetration Testing as a Service (PTaaS) model to address your cybersecurity needs in an ever-changing attack vectors environment. For your convenience, it is supported by our platform. Additionally, it is connected to our Continuous Hacking service in order to go beyond the traditional Penetration Testing, a point-in-time evaluation. In PTaaS, we perform analyses that keep pace with the constant development and changes in your infrastructure and applications. This model provides our customers comprehensive and up-to-date information about the findings achieved in a pentest that combines world-class hackers' know-how and the speed of automated tools. By quickly obtaining extensive details from a non-static report about the detected vulnerabilities, and after carrying out the proper prioritization, you can immediately proceed with their remediation.

These are the benefits of PTaaS

Deep and accurate pentesting

PTaaS does not rely only on the automation of tools and their limited results. It also involves Fluid Attacks' certified expert analysts for the IT systems' manual assessments, in order to ensure that the reports display minimal rates of false positives and false negatives.

Timely vulnerability reports

Thanks to our continuous penetration testing, you can receive frequent, real-time updates on the results of our red team's constant analyses via Fluid Attacks' platform to keep you on your toes and make the right cybersecurity decisions for your company promptly.

Uninterrupted customer service

Fluid Attacks' expert penetration testing team is at your service to evaluate different types of systems (e.g., web apps, networks, IoT) and help you with your concerns regarding the findings and their possible solutions.

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Testing software security for over 20 years

Fluid Attacks tests applications and other systems, covering all software development stages. Our team assists clients in quickly identifying and managing vulnerabilities to reduce the risk of incidents and deploy secure technology.

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