| 6 min read
"Code quality" and "security" concepts in software development do not seem as closely associated as we might believe and should be. Code quality should be seen as a measure that includes security within its core properties. Security is a variable that, in case of showing deficiency, can affect not only the privacy of the sensitive information but also the integrity and functionality of the product or application and the user experience. In this post, we explain what is usually seen as code quality and why we believe this concept should include security as one of its properties or requirements. We also give you a couple of recommendations on how to develop high-quality code.
What is code quality?
When we look up the word "quality" in the dictionary, it is defined as "how good or bad something is." Therefore, when we talk about "code quality," we refer to a metric to qualify how good or bad a set of software instructions is. But how good or bad by virtue of what? Generally, on the basis of a variety of characteristics or attributes. However, as can happen, for instance, with the classification of human behavior from a moral perspective, code quality is not a definitive metric with always shared and objective parameters and is open to discussion. It depends on subjectivity, on what industries and organizations define based on their specific needs, requirements and approaches. Code quality, for example, will not necessarily be viewed in the same way by those who build simple mobile games and those who develop programs that control the machinery of enormous electric companies, both software with such distinct criticality.
Even so, some specific ideas seem to be shared for almost all software projects that allow the separation of good and bad quality code. Bad or poor-quality code may lack coherence and consistency in handling conventions and be full of bugs and complexity. Good quality code, conversely, is usually seen as straightforward, bug-free, well-documented and fulfilling its intended function for its end users. The following are some of those key properties shared to qualify code quality:
Reliability: It measures how likely it is that the software will work without failure, accomplishing its purposes during a specific period. This property depends on the number of errors present in the code.
Robustness: It measures how well the software can cope with strange user behavior and other conditions using understandable error messages. This property is related to the reduced susceptibility to hidden bugs or the introduction of new bugs.
Testability: It measures how well the software supports the use of tests that can be employed to, for example, verify certain behaviors or detect failures in its functionality.
Readability: It measures how legible and understandable the software code is not only for its original authors but also for those who intend to review and edit it. It depends on the use of comments, notations, indentation, documentation and simplicity, among other things.
Maintainability: It measures the ease with which the software can be maintained, i.e., repaired, updated and improved. This property depends on the code's structure, size, consistency and complexity.
Portability: It measures how usable the software is on different devices, platforms or other environments. In other words, it measures how easily it can be transferred from one to another, depending on the number of required modifications.
Reusability: It measures how much the software's pieces of code or assets can be replicated or reused (even to build upon them) by developers in other projects or programs.
Up to this point, what is problematic is that after roaming the web and glancing through various sources, we generally don't find security or at least not explicitly suggested among these key properties.
What about security?
Code quality is usually associated with the code's performance and the experience of the end users and the developers that work on it. However, shouldn't code quality also be measured by its security? On the other hand, doesn't security also rely on what we call quality? Almost a decade ago, a group of researchers shared the following words in a study for the Software Engineering Institute:
Many of the Common Weakness Enumerations (CWEs), such as the improper use of programming language constructs, buffer overflows, and failures to validate input values, can be associated with poor quality coding and development practices. Improving quality is a necessary condition for addressing some software security issues.
Poor-quality pieces of code, even minor errors, resulting from inadequate coding practices, give rise to security weaknesses and vulnerabilities that can be exploited by malicious hackers and generate substantial negative impacts on organizations and end users. Security thus depends on the quality of the product. But this is a different quality that involves not only properties such as those listed above. In this "upgraded code quality," standards and practices are introduced, which, if not complied with, lead us to speak of insecurity, just as non-compliance with other requirements could lead us to talk about, for instance, unreliability or low readability. By introducing these new standards, we have included security as a property in the previous list. Thus, henceforth, in our discourse, code security will be taken as a factor that plays a role in determining code quality.
Security vulnerabilities in the code jeopardize not only the valuable performance of the software but also the privacy of sensitive data in case they're processed there. The non-inclusion of security in the frequently seen code quality concept may be partly related to the latter. In the past, unlike nowadays, software products that did not involve the use of sensitive data of the organization and its users and customers or contact with external threats were more abundant. At that time, there was a more significant concern for properties such as reliability, testability and maintainability. Today, however, in our economy, there is much more dependence on the Internet and web and mobile applications that transfer sensitive data, as well as a greater number of IoT devices and interconnections. This is why it's increasingly necessary that security also appears as a key property in relation to code quality.
Developing high-quality code
Pressure to go fast to production with innovative and competitive software products. This workload with tight deadlines is one of the common causes of poor-quality code development. Although someone could say that it's becoming increasingly rare that functionality or reliability flaws are not addressed, it's sure that many developers are still ignoring quality standards. This goes without saying for those standards that incorporate security. If some professionals do not pay enough attention to the functionality of what they build, they will most likely pay less attention to its security.
Even worse is when those who leave standards aside or do not promote their use are the same leaders or chiefs of areas in the organizations, focused mainly on requesting speed. Currently, code quality, including security, must be seen as a priority, starting with the leaders. The time spent on standards training, code reviews and error fixing is often far compensated by the costs avoided down the road. When not adequately addressed, code deficiencies can accumulate. Dealing with them can then become even more complex and costly. A high-quality code then reduces the so-called "technical debt."
Recommendations for high-quality code
In order to develop clean or high-quality code (including security, let's keep it in mind) and avoid the so-called "code smells" or poor-quality code and security vulnerabilities, guidelines, conventions or standards are a must. These provide uniformity, consistency between different team members' work, and stability in the product. The code quality and secure coding best practices associated with these standards are shared by diverse communities and can be disseminated and taught among collaborative teams of developers or engineers. Individuals with different specialties, skills and experience levels, including often-mentioned security champions, can foster secure and high-quality development among their colleagues.
To guarantee that the developed product is of high quality, it's also necessary to resort to peer or manual code reviews. Developers can see these assessments as time-consuming and tedious tasks, even as obstacles when they should be seen as essential objectives. When it's not developers' colleagues and leaders, external providers can be in charge of these reviews to identify flaws or quality deficiencies in the code so that they can be promptly remediated. These reviews should not be left to the final stages of development lifecycles. The sooner errors are detected, the easier, faster and cheaper their remediation. It is also advisable that they are carried out continuously so that they go in tandem with the constant work of developers.
Manual code reviews should be assisted by automated tools, such as static analysis ones, primarily because of their wide coverage and speed, although their detection and accuracy capabilities are limited. Thanks to these tools, savvy reviewers can focus on identifying more complex and sometimes more severe errors and security issues beyond these machines' scope. Generally speaking, a comprehensive review, with expert humans and automated tools, must take into account compliance with properties such as those outlined in this post, along with security requirements such as those we've collected and currently handle at Fluid Attacks.
These reviews can also be improved when new techniques are incorporated. This is why at Fluid Attacks, with our specialty in security testing, we go beyond the secure code review, which is only a part of our comprehensive Continuous Hacking service. In this service, we conduct exhaustive reviews with techniques such as SAST, SCA, DAST, manual pentesting and reverse engineering. In addition to using our automated tools, Continuous Hacking has as indispensable the intervention of our ethical hackers, who think and act as threat actors, anticipate risks and entry points and simulate different possible attack scenarios. At Fluid Attacks, we contribute from the security field so that your code and applications are of high quality and keep their risk exposure as low as possible.
We invite you to try our 21-day free trial with assessment through our automated machines as an introduction to the comprehensive service you can receive when you decide to become one of our customers. Contact us!
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