Live Hacking

1. Objective

Have you ever wondered how safe the applications you use everyday are? Those that have access to your personal and, in some cases, financial information? Are these applications so safe that the only ones that might be able to compromise them are the kind of hackers that you see on TV and in movies, those who sit in front of a black screen with green letters, use the keyboard at lightning speed, and probably speak binary as their second language?

We are sorry to burst your bubble, but the truth is far from that, and it probably takes a much less extraordinary person to compromise your information. This is usually because the most common vulnerabilities found in applications are of the type XSS (Cross Site Scripting), SQLi (SQL Injections), CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery), Insecure Session Management and Insecure Configurations, among others. These vulnerabilities are widely documented, and their exploitation can be, in some cases, extremely simple, even without requiring an in-depth knowledge of computation or programming.

We give you a look at how our ethical hackers exploit these vulnerabilities to obtain sensitive information, hijack a session or even gain root access over the server running the application.

2. Content

In this conference, we will use an application named bWAPP, which has the particularity of being vulnerable by design (vbd). This allows ethical hackers and security enthusiasts to practice their skills and keep improving, while those who are just starting in this world can also learn how to find and exploit vulnerabilities.

The application will be attacked from different levels: the web interface and the different services running inside the server. We start with an identification phase, followed by the exploitation and privilege escalation.

We will also show the programming issues that cause these vulnerabilities, always keeping it simple, so all participants, no matter their profession, can keep up and understand the importance of information security in a world where applications and devices are multiplying exponentially.

3. Experience

This conference was held in the Information Security Workshop carried out by TigoUne.

4. Where?

The presentation can be hosted at your company's facilities or an external venue.

The talk can be given in Medellín with a minimum audience of 10 people. For other cities in Colombia and Latin America, the minimum is 20 participants.

5. Duration

The event duration is 1 hour.

6. Audience

This conference is suitable for people with basic or low technical knowledge. The audience limit is 30 participants.

7. Speakers

To be defined.

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Hacking software for over 20 years

Fluid Attacks tests applications and other systems, covering all software development stages. Our team assists clients in quickly identifying and managing vulnerabilities to reduce the risk of incidents and deploy secure technology.

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