Red team

Entries with this tag talk about ethical hacking teams, their members and their simulation of cyberattacks by adversarial threat actors to identify security issues.

Photo by Mike Lewinski on Unsplash

Felipe Ruiz

It's about time you relied on code-assisted pentesting

Here are some reasons why it would be prudent and beneficial to stop being reluctant to share your code for pentesting with a reputable cybersecurity company.

Photo by James Orr on Unsplash

Jason Chavarría

Our pick of the hardest challenges for ethical hackers

We share what to us are the 10 most challenging ethical hacking certifications, so that you can choose your next one and even trace a path to help your career.

Photo by Denis Tuksar on Unsplash

Jason Chavarría

There's not an only way but here's a good one

We offer a guide to become an ethical hacker based off some information on common non-technical and technical skills hackers find useful for their role.

Photo by Rohit Tandon on Unsplash

Felipe Ruiz

Description and critique of CEH certifications

Here's a description and a critique of the CEH founded on the question, "Should the person who has this certification be called a 'certified ethical hacker'?"

Photo by Pramod Tiwari on Unsplash

Andres Roldan

An OffSec Experienced Pentester review

In this post, we review the PEN-300 course and OSEP certification offered by OffSec.

Photo by David Ramírez on Unsplash

Jason Chavarría

Or what makes the ethical hacker

If ethical hackers can do everything cybercriminals do, what is keeping them from wrongdoing? Let's see how they differ and how that shows in codes of ethics.

Photo by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash

Felipe Ruiz

Recognize the value of this security assessment method

We took as a basis a question from Tribe of Hackers Red Team (2019) aimed at explaining the value of red teaming to those who're reluctant or unaware of it.

Photo by Dmitry Ratushny on Unsplash

Jason Chavarría

Differences between these security testing approaches

There is confusion around the differences between breach and attack simulation, penetration testing and red teaming. Read this blog post for a clear comparison.

Photo by Jeff Lemond on Unsplash

Jason Chavarría

How BAS solutions work, their importance and benefits

Learn about what breach and attack simulation is, how it works, its role in security testing, and its benefits for defending against advanced threats.

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Fluid Attacks tests applications and other systems, covering all software development stages. Our team assists clients in quickly identifying and managing vulnerabilities to reduce the risk of incidents and deploy secure technology.

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