Social engineering

Entries with this tag talk about tactics or incidents where attackers manipulate people to breach system security.

Photo by Robs on Unsplash

Wendy Rodriguez

Consequential data breaches in the financial sector

Find out the harsh lessons that the most breached industry has to teach other companies.

Photo by Florian Schmetz on Unsplash

Wendy Rodriguez

The best offense is a good defense

Proactive prevention is the best strategy against ransomware attacks. That’s why we compiled the best practices to prevent this malicious act.

Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

Felipe Ruiz

Outstanding incidents of this type of crime since 2011

Discover some of the most notorious crypto crimes to date, among which we present not only software cyberattacks but also tremendous scams.

Photo by Bastian Riccardi on Unsplash

Felipe Ruiz

Introduction to a trend of just over a decade ago

We share basic knowledge about cryptocurrency and related concepts, including crypto crime, a worrying issue that has gone hand in hand with that paradigm.

Photo by Pierre Bamin on Unsplash

Felipe Ruiz

Watch out for keylogging/keyloggers

Here we spell out what keylogging is and what keyloggers are, as well as how you can prevent, identify and remove them.

Photo by Thomas Griggs on Unsplash

Jason Chavarría

Pentesting is a system-agnostic approach to security

The types of penetration testing include external and internal network, wireless, IoT, mobile application and social engineering pentesting. Learn more here.

Photo by Lucrezia Carnelos on Unsplash

Felipe Ruiz

Chances are you're vulnerable with Microsoft Office

In this blog post, you can learn what Follina is, how it works, what cyberattacks are linked to it and what you can do as prevention measures.

Photo by Timothy Dykes on Unsplash

Jason Chavarría

Buggy package managers, some only on Windows

Researchers found vulnerabilities in some versions of eight popular package managers. We review how an attacker could exploit them and urge everyone to upgrade.

Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

Felipe Ruiz

Highlights since just before the Russian invasion

This blog post provides you with a timeline of some cybersecurity highlights since shortly before Russia invaded Ukraine up to this point.

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Fluid Attacks tests applications and other systems, covering all software development stages. Our team assists clients in quickly identifying and managing vulnerabilities to reduce the risk of incidents and deploy secure technology.

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