Andres Roldan
Exploiting Vulnserver with ROP
This post will show how to create a complete, functional exploit creating a complex shellcode using ROP.

Andres Roldan
The devil is in the details
This post will show how use reverse engineering techniques and tools to find vulnerabilities on Vulnserver.

Andres Roldan
Sideloading exploiting
This post will show how to exploit the Vulnserver KSTET command loading the payload from an external source.

Andres Roldan
Bad chars everywhere
This post will show how to exploit the Vulnserver LTER command on where we will need to bypass bad chars restrictions.

Andres Roldan
Exploiting in stages
This post will show how to exploit the Vulnserver KSTET command using a socket reuse method.

Andres Roldan
Exceptions are good
This post will show how to exploit the Vulnserver GMON command using Structured Exception Handling (SEH) overwrite.

Andres Roldan
Every byte counts
In this post, we will use an alternative way of exploiting Vulnserver GTER command.

Andres Roldan
Hunting eggs
This post will describe the steps taken to exploit the Vulnserver GTER command, using a technique called 'Egghunting.'

Andres Roldan
From zero to shell
This post will describe the steps taken to exploit the Vulnserver TRUN command using a direct EIP overwrite strategy.