Types of Penetration Testing

Pentesting is a system-agnostic approach to security

Blog Types of Penetration Testing

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Penetration testing (aka "manual" penetration testing) is a well-known security testing approach that leverages the expertise of ethical hackers, or penetration testers, to find complex weaknesses and vulnerabilities. It is commonly classified into different types, which refer to the assessments' target information system. These technologies differ somewhat in the kinds of issues they tend to have and the techniques attackers use to discover them. However, penetration testing steps or phases across types are usually the same: planning, reconnaissance, vulnerability assessment, exploitation and reporting. Learn about these types, which we cover in our penetration testing solution.

External penetration testing

This type of network penetration testing focuses on the security of Internet-facing systems. The controls that guard technology such as websites, databases, web applications and File Transfer Protocol servers are what you may have heard of as an organization's "perimeter security." The goal of external network penetration testing is finding weaknesses in these controls as well as vulnerabilities in the systems themselves.

This type of testing is quite valuable because it involves the simulation of external attackers to see if the network can be breached, which is necessary as organizations have an increasing Internet presence. From this perspective, the offensive techniques used by ethical hackers include vulnerability scanning, information gathering, brute force (e.g., password spraying, credential stuffing) and exploitation. Given the constant evolution of cyber threats, organizations are advised to request tests to every system (e.g., web application penetration testing, cloud penetration testing) continuously (i.e., all the time).

When pen testers probing the network from the exterior are not given detailed information nor access to source code prior to the assessments, this is considered a type of black-box penetration testing. Although throughout this writing it will be apparent that any pentesting engagement could also be of the white-box type, which gives initial access to source code, or gray-box type, which gives limited initial information. (These categories are beyond the scope of this post, as the criterion from which they arise is the information initially available, not the kind of system under assessment).

Internal penetration testing

In contrast to the previous type of pentesting, this one simulates the ways an adversarial threat actor behaves after having gained access to the internal network. Importantly, these assessments can give insight into the ways an insider could intentionally or unintentionally expose the organization to risks.

Among the techniques ethical hackers may use in internal penetration testing are adversary-in-the-middle attacks (e.g., Link-Local Multicast Name Resolution (LLMNR) poisoning), stealing or forging Kerberos tickets, and IPv6 attacks.

Read here about how we assess networks continuously with external and internal penetration testing.

Wireless penetration testing

Organizations can leverage pen testing to assess whether attackers can compromise their Wi-Fi and access their network. The search for vulnerabilities often involves assessing access points, wireless clients and wireless network protocols (e.g., Bluetooth, LoRa, Sigfox). Common findings are weaknesses in encryption and Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) key vulnerabilities. The techniques ethical hackers may use include brute force, compromising wireless devices and deploying rogue access points within the network.

Get started with Fluid Attacks' Penetration Testing as a Service right now

IoT penetration testing

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system that involves the interaction of plenty of different conventional assets (e.g., cloud services, operating systems, applications) with the various smart devices connected to the same network. In this case, additional effort is required to control possible attack vectors. These are different from those of the traditional IT infrastructure, since compromising any of the devices or sensors in the IoT can mean compromising the whole IoT infrastructure. Pentesting is used to gain insight on how resistant the corporate IoT is against external adversarial threats.

In penetration testing, ethical hackers might do physical inspections of IoT devices additionally to their network reconnaissance. Moreover, they may conduct firmware analysis, including assessing third-party libraries and encryption and obfuscation techniques. Therefore, penetration tests are useful to find issues such as out-of-date firmware misconfigurations and insecure protocols and communication channels.

Check out here how we help keep the IoT free from security weaknesses and vulnerabilities.

Mobile application penetration testing

As phones become ever so present in organizations to fulfill business operations, the security of the apps downloaded to them is a necessity. Penetration testing is used to find complex security issues, like business logic, deployment configuration and injection flaws in apps running on operating systems such as Android, iOS and Windows UI. Such manual work in combination with automation (vulnerability scanning) increases the accuracy of the security assessments, yielding low rates of false positives and false negatives.

For this type of testing, ethical hackers may manually review source code, develop custom exploits and even conduct reverse engineering to check whether the assessed mobile apps lack effective mechanisms to obfuscate code and prevent information disclosure. The processes of reviewing code and attack the app as it runs correspond, respectively, to static application security testing (SAST) and dynamic application security testing (DAST). We have defined mobile application security testing (MAST), as well as mentioned a list of top risks to mobile apps in another blog post.

Learn here how we help secure mobile applications continuously.

Social engineering penetration testing

A broad definition of "information system" includes people. Indeed, humans collect, process, store and distribute information vital to the operations of organizations. In view of this, cybersecurity is interested in people as actors who can prevent cyberattacks. Penetration testing enters this scenario as an approach to assess organizations' resistance to attacks through its personnel.

The way in which persons are attacked is social engineering. This is when attackers try to influence persons into taking cybersecurity risks. You've probably heard of phishing, where adversaries send messages to target organizations' employees persuading them to follow fraudulent web routes, open attachments or send a response. This and similar techniques (e.g., phone-based scams) can be used in penetration testing, of course, without the prior knowledge of the people whom the ethical hackers are attempting to scam. Identifying weaknesses in their responses helps pinpoint areas of the human element of cybersecurity that need strengthening with training (e.g., identifying phishing messages, detecting and reporting unusual behavior).

At Fluid Attacks, we provide testing with social engineering techniques in our red teaming solution.

Penetration testing with Fluid Attacks

Fluid Attacks conducts continuous penetration testing throughout the software development lifecycle (SDLC). In this blog post, we provided links to pages that expand on how we cover with our solution the types most penetration testing companies offer. If you would like to learn more, take a look at the systems we assess.

Remember that by many standards, like the recent changes to regulations following the Gramm Leach Bliley Act, or GLBA, penetration testing must be conducted regularly. (Learn more here.) We help you go beyond basic compliance and help you secure your software continuously as you develop it. Our service is Continuous Hacking, and its most comprehensive plan includes penetration testing.

You can start your 21-day free trial of Continuous Hacking, which includes only our automated security testing. Try it and upgrade whenever you want to the plan that includes manual testing.

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